How do Companies Measure Success in Employee Wellbeing?


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Employee wellbeing is one of the most important factors when it comes to measuring a company’s success. It refers to how much employees enjoy working for your company and addressing burnout is key in preventing employees from wanting to come back after Covid.

Burnout is a term that refers to the feeling of being overworked and exhausted, which can have negative effects on an individual’s health and well-being. A 2010 study found that almost half of all employees experience burnout at some point in their careers, and this number increases with every decade of employment.

Burnout often results from long hours, low pay, stress at work, and a lack of job satisfaction or meaning. When these factors are combined, they create an intolerable work environment that can lead to employee disengagement and even resignation. To prevent burnout from happening in the first place, it’s important to make sure your employees are happy and fulfilled.

There are a few strategies you can use to measure employee wellbeing:

1. Provide Adequate job satisfaction

When employees feel like they’re doing something that matters and enjoy their work, they’ll be less likely to experience burnout. Please make sure all of your employees have a voice and feel like their opinions matter, embrace diversity (both within the company and in the surrounding community), offer flexible scheduling options, provide training that is relevant to the job, provide opportunities for growth and development, and provide opportunities for employees to use their skills in new ways.

2. Encourage employee involvement

When employees feel like they’re participants in the decision-making process, they’re more likely to be satisfied with their work. Give them responsibility, and give them a sense of ownership over their work products and initiatives. Allow them to take part in company meetings and events. Encourage teamwork (within limits), allow for creative expression, reward innovation rather than conformity (and punish dissent). Provide ample rest periods (both physical and mental). Offer social activities that are relevant to the employee’s interests, and provide a supportive environment.

3. Model healthy work habits yourself

When you lead by example, your employees are more likely to adopt the same behaviors in their workplaces. Maintain a positive attitude at all times, take care of yourself both physically and mentally (e.g., exercise regularly, get enough sleep), don’t gossip about colleagues behind their backs or put them down in front of others, avoid using inflammatory language when discussing work experiences or problems with coworkers, and be respectful of other people’s time (including taking breaks during meetings).

4. Review and update your workplace policies 

By doing so, you can ensure that they’re tailored to meet the needs of your employees and reflect changes in the community or industry environment. Also, make sure that they’re easily accessible (and enforced) by creating an effective communication policy.

5. Celebrate and reward your Employee for Wellbeing

When employees feel appreciated, they’re more likely to be motivated to give their best effort in the workplace. Recognize individual achievements (e.g., accolades, medals, promotions), award team or departmental awards (rather than individuals), provide generous employee benefits (including retirement plans, healthcare insurance coverage, etc.), and show genuine appreciation for outstanding performance regularly (both verbal and nonverbal).

6. Identify and resolve workplace conflicts

If a problem arises, discuss it with the employee in an open, respectful manner – without making assumptions or attacking their character. Be patient (and consistent) while attempting to resolve the issue and be prepared to compromise if necessary. And always let employees know that they can reach out to you for guidance or support if things get difficult.

7. Employee happiness ratings

A study by Gallup in 2022 found that happy employees are more productive and less likely to leave their jobs. Therefore, it is important to measure employee happiness using indicators such as the Happy Planet Index or The Economist’s “Quality of Life Survey” to identify areas where improvements can be made.

While these indicators are some of the most important ones regarding workplace happiness, a variety of other factors can contribute to employee satisfaction. For example, providing flexible working hours and a satisfying work-life balance could also benefit employee wellbeing.


Employee well-being is essential to maintaining a productive and cohesive workplace. By following these tips, you can help your employees feel appreciated, respected, and motivated to give their best effort – which will in turn encourage them to be reliable and creative workers.

Mian Mudassar Hussain
Mian Mudassar Hussain
Self Businesses is the latest Business News Magazine, discovering the latest Business and Finance news through blogs.

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